Ban Xia Xie Tang Syndrome with Intestinal tropism instead of the Stomach. Marked Stomach Vacuity. Mouth or tongue ulcer, borborygmus, diarrhea, ulceration of the genital organs or of the anus, facial acne, Behçet's disease
Dysphoria-Heat in the chest, nausea, vomiting, soft stools or diarrhea, hard mass under the heart, vomiting during pregnancy with soft or liquid stools
Fever, lassitude, somnolence, abdominal distension, sore limbs, throat swelling, yellowish body, short and reddish urine, due to Damp-Heat in the Qi Level in an epidemic disease
Tendency to cry and restless sleep, due to Heart Yin Vacuity with loss of control of the emotions (Liver Stagnation), due to excess of preoccupation and anxiety
Fever, perspiration, thirst, malodorous diarrhea, burning sensation in the anus, irritability and heat in the thoracic/epigastric region, due to unresolved Exterior Syndrome with Evil-Heat Invading the Interior (the action of this formula is mainly directed to the Interior)
Diarrhea, perspiration, aversion to cold and small pulse (cu: floating at cun and running deep in the other positions), possible dyspnea. Gan Mao (感冒) with gastrointestinal signs, dysentery in initial stage, gastroenteritis
Ma Huang Tang Syndrome with stiffness/tension in the neck and upper portion of the back. Ma Huang Tang Syndrome with convulsions, tetany, trismus, oliguria. Ma Huang Tang Syndrome with diarrhea (Yang Ming or Tai Yin)
Metrorrhagia, heavy menstruation, pale, clear, diluted blood, dizziness, palpitations and lack of air, due to Spleen/Stomach Vacuity and Chong Mai weakness