
Jing Fang Bai Du San

Fever and chills without perspiration, headache, neck and body pain, due to Wind-Cold-Damp

Jing Fang San

Painful joint rashes, due to Wind-Cold-Damp

Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang

Aversion to cold, fever, absence of perspiration, headache, neck pain and stiffness and body pain, bitter taste in the mouth and thirst, due to Wind-Cold-Damp Attack in an Internal Heat pattern

Jiu Xian San

Chronic cough with no expectoration, dyspnea, lack of air and spontaneous perspiration, due to Lung Qi/Yin Vacuity

Ju He Wan

Distension, heaviness, testicular pain, due to Liver Channel Cold-Damp

Ju Hua Cha Tiao San

Headache, migraines, dizziness, due to Wind-Heat

Ju Jiang Jian

Nausea and vomiting, due to Cold or Stomach Cold-Damp

Ju Pi Tang

Retching, belching, hiccup, lack of appetite, cold extremities (limbs)

Ju Pi Tang

Vomiting due to Stomach Cold

Ju Pi Zhi Shi Sheng Jiang Tang

Belching, hiccups, vomiting, cough

Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang

Qi reflux to the top due to Stomach Vacuity (with Cold or Heat) or in a chronic pathology pattern

Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang

Belching, hiccups, vomiting, cough

Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang 2

Qi Reflux, due to Qi Vacuity and Stomach Heat, out of Yin Vacuity

Juan Bi Tang (1)

Pain and heavy sensation in the joints due to Wind-Cold-Damp

Juan Bi Tang (2)

Pain with general weight sensation, Wind-Cold-Damp Bi with Qi Vacuity

Jue Ming Zi San

Eye problems, due to Liver Wind-Heat

Kai He San

Persistent cough, chronic asthma, due to Wind-Cold or Lung Phlegm-Cold

Kan Li Wan

Spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, mental agitation, insomnia, due to Vacuity Heat