Ma Huang (Mi Zhi)

Ma Huang (Mi Zhi)

  • Chineese Name: 蜜炙麻黄
  • Pin Yin Name: Ma Huang (Mi Zhi)
  • Latin Name: Herba Ephedrae (cum melle tost.)
  • Natures: Warm
  • Taste: Bitter, Acrid/Pungent, Sweet
  • Chanels Entered: Lung, Bladder
Acid-Warm Exterior-Releasing Medicinals (Xin Wen Jie Biao Yao)
from 3 to 10
Ma Huang (Mi Zhi): this preparation guides Ma Huang mainly to the Lung Channel to treat cough and dyspnea
Favors the Lung’s diffusion function
Stops cough
Calms dyspnea