Prepare a Decoction of Whole Plants or Coarse-Grinded Plants

The decoction of medicinal substances is the traditional method most often used.

You have just received your order packaged in a number of dosage sachets containing medicinal substances.

In order to fully benefit from the active ingredients of these substances, we invite you to read carefully their method of preparation:

- Put the medicinal substances in a stainless steel, a glass, a crockery or earthenware container (avoid iron containers).

- Fill the container with water up to 1 inch (2 to 3 cm) above the medicinal substances or fill the container with about 1 to 2 cups (300 to 500 ml) of water.

- Let the plants absorb the water for at least 15 to 30 minutes.

- After the soaking period, add water if necessary: ​​the amount of water can be determined according to the taste of the patient, the decoction made with little water having a stronger taste and that with more water a more diluted taste.

- Bring the medicinal substances to boil in high heat. As soon as they boil, lower the heat and let them cook for 20 to 30 minutes, covering the pan if possible.

- Filter the plants before drinking the decoction.

These same plants are often reused, on the same day, for a second decoction.

Depending on the needs of the treatment, you can receive small additional bags with products apart from the main formula. The reason for this is that this products require a different decoction, usually shorter or longer than that of the other medicinal substances.

For example, it’s the case of:

- aromatic substances, that must be added to the decoction about 10 minutes before the end of the cooking process.

- hard substances, that must be cooked 15 to 30 minutes before adding the other products of the formula.

Regarding these additions, we recommend that you carefully follow the instructions provided by your therapist, regarding the preparation of the prescription.

In most cases, the decoction should be taken warm and away from meals (at least 1h30 before or after the meal). However, in some cases it can be taken just before or just after the meal and, in others, the diluted powder may be taken cold. Ask your therapist for advice.