Tian Nan Xing


  • Toxique

Tian Nan Xing

  • Chineese Name: 天南星
  • Pin Yin Name: Tian Nan Xing
  • Latin Name: Rhizoma Arisaematis
  • Natures: Warm
  • Taste: Bitter
  • Chanels Entered: Lung, Spleen, Liver
Warming and Phlegm-Cold-Resolving Medicinals (Wen Hua Han Tan Yao)
Phlegm-Transforming, Cough-Stopping and Dyspnea-Calming Medicinals (Hua Tan Zhi Ke Ping Chuan Yao)
from 3 to 10
Resolves Phlegm (Tan)
Dries Dampness
Dissipates Wind-Phlegm
Stops convulsions
Eliminates toxins (topic use)
Dissipates lumps (topic use)
Disperses swellings (tumefaction – topic use)
Reduces abscesses
Stops pain (topic use)