Gou Ji

Gou Ji

  • Chineese Name: 狗脊
  • Pin Yin Name: Gou Ji
  • Latin Name: Rhizoma Cibotii Barometz
  • Natures: Warm
  • Taste: Bitter, Sweet
  • Chanels Entered: Kidney, Liver
Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yi Yao)
Wind-Damp-Expelling Medicinals (Qu Feng Shi Yao)
Yang-Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yang Yao)
from 10 to 15
Supplements the Yang
Supplements Liver and Kidney
Strengthens the lumbar region and the knees
Dissipates Wind-Damp
Eliminates Bi Obstructions
Strengthens tendons and bones