Shan Zhu Yu (Jiu Zhi)

Shan Zhu Yu (Jiu Zhi)

  • Chineese Name: 山茱萸
  • Pin Yin Name: Shan Zhu Yu (Jiu Zhi)
  • Latin Name: Fructus Corni Officinalis
  • Natures: Astringent, Neutral
  • Taste: Sour
  • Chanels Entered: Kidney, Liver
Yin-Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yin Yao)
Astringent Medicinals (Shou Se Yao)
Yang-Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yang Yao)
from 5 to 30
from 5 to 10
Shan Zhu Yu (Jiu): this preparation reinforces Liver and Kidney-supplementation action and the clearing of the Luo Channels
Supplements Liver and Kidney
Supplements the Kidney
Nurtures the Liver
Unblocks (liberates) the Luo Channels
Consolidates the Kidney
Consolidates Jing
Contains the urine
Retains perspiration