Huang Lian

Huang Lian

  • Chineese Name: 黄连
  • Pin Yin Name: Huang Lian
  • Latin Name: Rhizoma Coptidis
  • Natures: Cold
  • Taste: Bitter
  • Chanels Entered: Heart, Stomach, Large Intestine, Gallbladder, Liver
Heat-Clearing and Dampness-Drying Medicinals (Qing Re Zao Shi Yao)
from 2 to 10
Clarifies Heat
Dries Dampness
Clarifies the Heat and dries Dampness
Drains the Fire
Eliminates toxins
Clarifies the Heart
Clarifies the Liver
Clarifies the Stomach
Clarifies the eyes
Quiets the Spirit
Clarifies Heat at Qi Level
Dissipates Summerheat
Harmonizes the Stomach and the Intestines
Dries Dampness (topic use)