Hei Zhi Ma = Hu Ma Zi

Hei Zhi Ma = Hu Ma Zi

  • Chineese Name: 黑芝麻
  • Pin Yin Name: Hei Zhi Ma = Hu Ma Zi
  • Latin Name: Semen Sesami Nigrum
  • Natures: Neutral
  • Taste: Sweet
  • Chanels Entered: Kidney, Liver
Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yi Yao)
Yin-Supplementing Medicinals (Bu Yin Yao)
from 10 to 30
Increases Blood and Jing
Supplements Liver and Kidney
Increases Jing
Nurtures the Liver
Nurtures the Blood
Moistens the Intestines
Favors the feces
Darkens the hair