Cang Zhu (Fu Chao)

Cang Zhu (Fu Chao)

  • Chineese Name: 苍术(炒)
  • Pin Yin Name: Cang Zhu (Fu Chao)
  • Latin Name: Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae seu Chinensis (ad intimum tost)
  • Natures: Warm
  • Taste: Aromatic, slightly Acrid/Pungent, slightly Bitter, Sweet
  • Chanels Entered: Spleen, Stomach
Aromatic Dampness-Transforming Medicinals (Fang Xiang Hua Shi Yao)
from 3 to 10
Cang Zhu (Fu Chao): this preparation reinforces the action of supplementing the Spleen and drying of Dampness, being also used to clarify the eyes
Supplements the Spleen
Eliminates Dampness
Clarifies the eyes
Dries Dampness
Stops leucorrhoeas
Stops diarrhea